What is ATMT?
ATMT is a complete anti-theft application, the best protection you can get to recover your misplaced, lost or stolen Android device. It's not just a "find my phone" app or a phone tracker, ATMT has many unique features that make it the perfect app to locate your phone or tablet, identify the thief and get back your device.
Install ATMT app from playstore by paying one year premium, then you can buy a license for your account from within the app or from the web dashboard for one year.
It has three ways to protect your device. These are the "3 heads" of ATMT app:
- Remote control through the website https://www.ATMThub.com
- Remote control via SMS (text messages) from another phone
- Thief image and new sim number.
Remote control allows you to perform many operations on your lost or stolen device, like:
- Locate and track it.
- Take pictures to identify the thief.
- Get the location history, to see where the device has been in the past.
- Protect your personal data
- Hide ATMT from the app drawer, so the app will be stealthy and a thief will not see the icon.
- You will get thief new sim number on an emergency 2 numbers.
- If subscriber into trouble, then he/she has to dial SOS number like *#1234*#or command to device, it will automatically dial and disconnect the phone, In same time all emergency services will be activated. (Location SMS)
- And much more!
ATMT app can automatically perform actions when some conditions are meet. For instance, it will send SMS alerts if the SIM card is changed (see the "SIM checker" section of the settings) and it will email you a photo of the thief when a wrong unlock code is entered (section "Automatic photo capture").
You can also set your own rules, see the "AutoTask" section! From there you can set fencing (alerts when the phone exits or enters an area) and a lot of more automatic actions and alerts.
From within the app configuration, you can enable some options to make difficult for the thief to disable or uninstall ATMT. Make sure to enable the "Device Administration" functionality and the "Protect device admin" option. Also you can block the Power Menu to prevent the thief from shutting down the device, and block access to the status bar in the lock screen, so nobody would be able to change the quick settings in Lollipop (Android 5.0) and later versions.
If you have rooted your device you can install ATMT app as a system application and get many additional features, including complete uninstall protection (ATMT will survive a factory reset) and GPS auto-enabling when you start tracking the device. See the Help page on our website for more information on that.
If u share ATMT app to your friends and family members and they download ATMT app with your reff id then you will get referral commissions.
Please read the Help page on our website (https://www.ATMThub.com), it has the answers to the most frequently asked questions. If you have any questions not covered there, feature requests or experience any issues, contact us at services@ATMThub.com and we will be happy to help!
它具有保护您的设备三种方式。这些都是“3头” ATMT应用程序:
- 通过网站远程控制https://www.ATMThub.com
- 从其他手机通过短信远程控制(短信)
- 小偷的形象,新SIM卡号码。
- 找到并跟踪它。
- 拍照识别小偷。
- 获取位置历史,看看那里的设备已经过去。
- 保护您的个人数据
- 从应用程序抽屉隐藏ATMT,因此应用程序将是隐身和小偷不会看到图标。
- 您将获得一个紧急号码2贼新SIM卡号码。
- 如果用户遇到麻烦,那么他/她必须拨打如*#1234 *#或命令设备SOS号码,它会自动拨号并断开手机,在同一时间的所有紧急服务将被激活。 (地点SMS)
- 以及更多!
当某些条件得到满足ATMT应用程序可以自动执行操作。举例来说,如果SIM卡被更换(见的设置中的“SIM检查”一节),它会发送短信提醒,并输入了错误的解锁代码时,它会向您发送电子邮件小偷的照片(节“自动照片拍摄” )。
从应用程序的配置中,可以启用一些选项,使困难小偷禁用或卸载ATMT。确保启用“设备管理”功能和“保护设备管理”选项。您还可以阻止电源菜单,防止小偷从关闭设备,并阻止访问在锁屏状态栏,所以没有人能在棒棒堂来改变快速设定(Android 5.0)和更高版本。
如果妳分享ATMT应用程序与您的朋友和家人,他们下载ATMT应用与您REFF ID,那么你将获得推荐佣金。